Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Layout to Share

I just finished Jessica Sprague's Digi In Deep class. I had an amazing time and learned so much! If you are interested in learning digi scrapbooking, I highly recommend checking out her site at here. I can't sing her praises enough! This was our final assignment for her class. I just picked this printed 12x12 layout at Costco for $2.99 a page. I really need to sit down and do the math on the cost of a digi page vs. the traditional scrapbook page, not that cost would stop me. I am just curious.

1 comment:

Tam said...

Looks good. I have been looking into printing prices too and am curious about something. I wonder if you can make a book from your scrapbook pages just like you could your blog. If you could that would really be cheap. I have seen them done for $30!