Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Baby Turns 1!

I can't believe my happy accident is one! He wasn't planned for, but I couldn't imagine my life without him! What an amazing little guy he is! He has been walking for almost two months now and is beginning to say real words (for example: "up" when he wants up and "Jared" better than Olivia can). I was away at Creative Photography Retreat until late Saturday evening (awesome experience! I will blog about it soon). I made sure to call him Saturday and sing to him (a few others around chimed in as well). He hasn't been feeling well this weekend so of course he is super crabby. When I got home at about 11:00 Saturday night, I kissed and snuggled him for a few minutes as he slept. We didn't have a big shin-dig planned for him, but instead had the grandparents over for dinner, a little cake destruction, and of course presents. He is not a fan of cake. It was all fun for the first few minutes and he was over it. We tried to take him back to the cake after crawling away but he threw a fit. Here's a bit of what I shot today. Poor little guy fell after everyone left and hit his head pretty hard on a table. He has a nasty goose egg on his forehead. Already crabby baby became crabbier. While wailing, we then discovered he was out of formula so we had to break the Sabbath and go to the store. At least tomorrow is a holiday! Yay! I look forward to having a quiet day with the family!

Credits: background by me, Miss Mint painted ric rac, Britt-ish Designs stitched border, font-Love Ya Like A Sister

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WooHoo!! I Won!

I so needed some sunshine in my life yesterday!! Getting my new little kindergartners in line has been exhausting! I won the custom camera strap that I posted about a couple of posts back! This is the second cool thing I've won this month! I won a $150.00 gift card to Target from our PTC... for personal stuff! I really should buy a lotto ticket, don't ya think? So now onto my dilemma... which one do I choose? I am leaning towards the Dandy Damask - black. Then I saw the skull and crossbones. Help!!! Here are a few of my choices. What do you think?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Hybrid Tag Brag Album

After a long day of work Friday, I desperately needed some time alone with my computer. Damian was totally fine with that. I think he felt bad because my new class made me cry Thursday night. So I whipped up this little tag album. I love it! I am sure I'll have to make duplicates for the grandparents!Credits: Most supplies used were from Britt-Designs at Scrapmatters (some items recolored). I also used Sparklebet and a 4th of July label from J. Wilson, Painted ric rac and Rainbow Joy ribbon from Miss Mint. Note Strip from K. Pertiet, grunge frame from J. Sprague, and a ribbon wrap from A. Kay.

1st Day of School

I've been crazy busy getting ready for school! The weeks spent getting ready for my students are always hectic for me. I feel so bad that I've neglected my blog! Sorry! Well, we started school last Monday. I am unable to walk my boys to their class as I was meeting with mine. So, Daddy got that privilege, I am so jealous! Damian attempted to shoot with my big phat camera. I even gave him permission to shoot in auto (gasp!). He choked, but tried! I want to teach him to use it so that one day, I can be in photos(hee hee!). I told him no worries and that I'd just go to the boy's rooms after school for pictures. Jared is in the 5th grade this year. Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday when I brought him home from the hospital! I am officially the mother of a tweener and the attitude that comes along with it. He loves his teacher and his new room! Nick is in the 3rd grade and is eager to start AR. He is determined to be #1 reader for the year...again! He loves his teacher as well and is excited to show her that he can multiply. The little turkey taught himself! Damian and I started the year off with a bribe. Good grades = PS3 game system. I may regret this promise...What am I thinking?!?! Well, my class got off to a rocky start. I have several severe behavior problems and a little boy was already sent home his 2nd day of school for getting physical with an aide. I have a couple of kids who have serious medical conditions which scares me a bit. I have six kids that cannot write their name which is an unusually high number for our school. All of this plus normal kindergarten issues makes for a tired teacher! Needless to say I am totally frazzled! Anywho! Here's to a great year of school!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Cutest Camera Straps I've Ever Seen!

Cotton Candy by Natalie is an Etsy shop that sells custom camera straps. They are so stinkin' cute and I've been drooling over them for quite some time now. I can't decide which one to buy!! I might not have to buy one now, because I have a chance to win one!!!! YAY! She is giving away a strap to one lucky person (me,me,me!) and all you have to do to enter yourself in the drawing is to post about it on your blog. So, to make it official, here's my post. You can visit her store at . Wish me luck!