Friday, February 29, 2008

The Latest

This is a "picture less" post (gasp!). We've been busier than usual. Damian had his "procedure" last Friday. Everything went well. He has been really sore and right now we are waiting for Kaiser to call us back. We think he might have an infection.
Thursday night was the boy's Blue and Gold Dinner for Scouts. They had a nice time. I had Damian go with them while Olivia and I had a skate date at Rollerama. We had planned to go to scouts as a family, but Olivia has really been needing some one on one time. She actually did very well! For those of you who know my dear daughter, she is fiercely independent. She did not want any of my help. She was so cute! She'd shake her little booty as she skated. It was also my school's skate night and I won a Starbucks gift card which I gave to Mr. Hall. I hate coffee, bluck! Now if it was a Dr.Pepper, I'd be blissfully happy! I miss Dr. Pepper terribly! I have yet to fall off the wagon. It's been about six months since I've had one. Well at Rollerama, a little toot wasn't paying attention and sped up behind me and took me out. She knocked my legs right out from under me and I ended up on my back. Needless to say, I'm still feeling it! It's been warming up here and I'm so itching for Spring to arrive!


karen said...

AAHhh. Memories of ROLLERAMA. That was fun.

Tam said...

That sounds like a lot of fun. I miss skate parties so much. I never got into the whole roller blades thing. I am really old school when it comes to skates.

Williams Family Dirt said...

That is classic!! Sorry you were taken out, stinkin kids never pay attention. I dislike skating one does it very much anymore so you feel totally retarded, and awkward!!! Hence, accidents are bound to happen. What are you doing for the rest of today?? I am bored already and it is only 11:00 am. Maybe I'll update my blogs and work on housework or not!! Love the blog look as always!

Leasa said...

Hey Jen,
It's been a long time! Your blog is awesome. I am way jealous of your creative self. I have a blog too, but I recently set it to private (a whole long story). Anyways, if you want, email me and I'll add you to my list. You have a beautiful family! Glad to hear you're all doing well.

The Queen Bee said...

I noticed how everyone ignored commenting on the "procedure"! I hope Damian is feeling better. Your Elmo post is really cute.